Research Assistant Application for Spring 2023
Hi, my name is Dana-Lis and I am a 3rd-year graduate student in the cognitive area working with Ben Storm. My research interests include learning, memory, forgetting, searching for information online, how social media affects behavior and memory, and metacognition (thinking about thinking).

I'm looking for 1-2 motivated research assistants that will be able to onboard quickly to help with data collection and other vital tasks in my little lab group. Some experiences they would get out of this RAship would include learning to read, critique, and present on research articles, actively designing and constructing materials and experiments, running participants (collecting data), coding and analyzing data and lots of other cool research-y things!

The position would be for the Spring of 2023 and be treated like a 5 unit class. There is a possibility to extend the RAship beyond the Spring with or without credit -  if both you and me are interested in doing so! I encourage anyone to apply, even if you're not sure whether you are "qualified enough" - the whole class is a skill-building experience and the only thing I'm really looking for is enthusiasm, reliability, and attention to detail. All of the other things, you'll pick up along the way. Switch account
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What's your name?
Preferred pronouns (optional)
Major(s), minor(s) / emphasis and year in college (e.g., freshman, sophomore, etc.)
Expected graduation (quarter + year)
What are your research interests and why do you think you'd be a good fit for my research team?
Do you have any previous research experience (it's ok if you don't)? If you do, please elaborate
Do you have any research-related skills you'd like to mention? (It's ok if you don't, you will get a lot of transferrable skills out of this experience)
Please upload a writing sample. If you have a PSYC 100 Final Paper, that would be perfect. I'm looking for a piece of writing that showcases that you can think and talk about research in a way that is accessible and clear + I'd like to see how good your APA 7th edition formatting is :)
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I am looking for in-person research assistants only. Please confirm that you are able to dedicate up to 15 hours a week to all things lab (including in-person and remote lab meetings, breakout and individual meetings, reading, presenting, running participants, working with data, administrative work, etc.) and you can do so in-person in SS2. The times of all of the tasks are very flexible and we can work with your existing schedule. *
Are there any questions you have? Is there anything else you'd like to add?
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