Posted Research Opportunities

Current 194A: Developmental Research Postings

Children Learning about Science with their Families with Graduate Student Sam McHugh and Professor Maureen Callanan

Latinx Families Talk About Science in Stories with Gabriela Sierra & Genesis Ibarra and Professor Maureen Callanan

How do Chinese-Speaking Parents Engage Their Children in Problem Solving with Grad student Sam Basch and Professor Su-hua Wang

Arab American Identity with Professor Danny Rahal

Physiological Responses to Frustration and Substance Use with Professor Danny Rahal

 Social Media, Social Identities, Resources & Challenges, and Coping in Minoritized College Students' Educational Pathways and Well-being  with Graduate Student Felicity Gutierrez, Graduate Student Carrie Watson and Professor Margarita Azmitia



Current 194B: Cognitive Research Postings

In-person and Computer Mediated Communication using Data Analysis with Python Emphasis with Graduate Student Ryan Pili and Professor Alan Kawamoto

Hausman Learning, Memory and Metacognition Lab with Graduate Student Melanie Prieto, Graduate Student Hunter Avilla and Professor Hannah Hausman



Current 194C: Social Research Postings

 Race & Social Justice Research with Dr. Courtney Bonam



Current 194D: Clinical Research Postings

 Check back!


For more information about each of the labs on campus, view our Lab Resource Guide!

Summer and Post-Graduate Research Opportunities Outside of UCSC

List of Summer Programs and Post-Graduate Research Opportunities (unafilliated with UCSC and cannot be used for PSYC 194 credit)

General Research Opportunity Resources