Advising Forms
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For help with personal academic plans & graduation checks:
Peer Advisors can help if you have any questions about major requirements, want a graduation check, or simply to wish to confirm your progress and remaining requirements. They are also are available to assist in creating a personal academic plans. You can find their Drop-In Advising schedule on the Undergraduate Advising page.
Sample Major Academic Plans & Major Worksheets
Grad Check Worksheets
Make a copy of a Sample Academic Plan & Major Worksheet template below to your UCSC Google Drive. Sample plans are for students' personal use in academic planning, and the major worksheets are helpful for tracking your progress. You will receive a link to your Official Academic Plan signed by an advisor when you have completed the declaration process for the Cognitive Science or Psychology major(s).
For details about all major requirements, visit the Cognitive Science, General Psychology, or Intensive Psychology major requirements pages.
Need an academic plan signed by an advisor?!
Fill our and submit our Signed Academic Plan Request Form & an advisor will provide you with a plan via email.
Cognitive Science/Psychology Double-Major Sample Plans & Worksheets
Cognitive Science & General Psychology Double-Major Academic Plan & Worksheet
Cognitive Science & Intensive Psychology Double-Major Academic Plan & Worksheet
Interested in double-majoring with Cognitive Science and Psychology? Restrictions with double-counting upper-division courses will require special consideration in your academic planning.
Make a copy to your UCSC Google Drive and use the sample academic plans & worksheets below, to plan your Cognitive Science/General Psychology or Cognitive Science/Intensive Psychology double-major.
We recommend Drop-in Advising with a Peer Advisor for assistance with a double-major planning.
How to declare the double-major: When pursuing a double-major with Cognitive Science and Psychology, students will declare either Cognitive Science or Psychology first, then add the second major at a later date when eligible. The Second Major Declaration instructions can be found on our Declaring Cognitive Science and Declaring Psychology pages!
A note about choosing a Catalog for Psychology
If you have already declared the Psychology major and are unsure which Catalog you are following, you can find the term you declared in your UCSC portal (follow the instructions to find that information here). If you have not yet declared the Psychology major, you will choose your Catalog when petitioning to declare following these guidelines:
- Students who entered UCSC as frosh in Fall 2020 or later must choose the 2020-24 Catalog when declaring the Psychology major. Students who entered UCSC as frosh in Fall 2019 may choose the 2019 Catalog or the 2020-24 Catalog when declaring the Psychology major.
- Transfer students & students who entered UCSC as frosh before Fall 2019 may choose any Catalog when petitioning to declare the Psychology major.
- The only difference between the 2019 & 2020-24 Catalogs is that PSYC 20 is required for students declared on the 2020-24 Catalog. PSYC 20 is recommended but not required for students declared on earlier Catalogs.
Older Plan Form Links
Cognitive Science: 2020-22 Academic Plan Form