February 7, 2025
Traditional Mayan collaboration practices show both changes and resilience after decades of globalization
November 15, 2024
UC Santa Cruz psychologist Barbara Rogoff has been working with Mayan communities in Guatemala for decades to document traditional collaboration and learning practices. Her latest research follows up on an initial study from 30 years ago to see how practices have shifted or persisted over time within families.
UC Santa Cruz receives NSF grant to transform diversity and inclusion in STEM graduate programs
October 23, 2024
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded nearly $1 million to researchers at UC Santa Cruz to advance equity and inclusion by fostering a more inclusive, culturally rich environment in STEM graduate programs.
Study of a large public university in the Northeastern U.S. finds that students who feel more university connection may be more likely to binge drink
October 11, 2024
Universities should ensure they are providing ample opportunities for students to feel connected through sober activities and environments, researchers recommend.
Social Sciences Division welcomes new faculty
October 7, 2024
UC Santa Cruz’s Social Sciences Division is welcoming 10 outstanding new faculty members this academic year.
Fall 2024 Newsletter
September 26, 2024
Welcome to Fall 2024!
Humanizing every client
August 21, 2024
One year after graduation, Guneet Hora (College Nine ’23, intensive psychology, legal studies) works as a paralegal at the Office of the Federal Public Defender in the Western District of Virginia.
A passion for change
August 21, 2024
One year after graduation, Nailah Smith (Stevenson ’23, cognitive science) works in the African American Studies and Chicana and Chicano Studies Departments at San José State University and is pursuing a Masters in Science.
Singing from memory unlocks a surprisingly common musical superpower
August 14, 2024
UC Santa Cruz psychologists studied “earworms,” the types of songs that get stuck in your head and play automatically on a loop, to show that highly accurate pitch memory is much more common than might be expected.
G. William Domhoff and Catherine Cooper receive Dickson Emeriti Professorships
June 18, 2024
Distinguished Professor Emeritus G. William Domhoff, who was a member of both the psychology and sociology departments at UC Santa Cruz, and Professor Emerita of Psychology Catherine Cooper recently won Edward A. Dickson Emeriti Professorships.
Researchers explain social media’s role in rapidly shifting social norms on gender and sexuality
May 29, 2024
A new paper by UC Santa Cruz psychologists describes how social media has supported an explosion of diversity in gender and sexuality in America by empowering authentic self-expression. However, these technologies have also equally enabled a cultural backlash.
Santa Cruz County youth aim to improve community mental health through better support for immigrants
April 4, 2024
A three-year partnership between UC Santa Cruz and United Way to empower young change-makers is wrapping up this spring, with youth leaders from across Santa Cruz County preparing to distribute resource kits for local immigrants.
Diana Hernandez: From Hartnell College to UC Santa Cruz
March 20, 2024
Meet Diana Hernandez, a student parent who transferred to UC Santa Cruz from Hartnell College. Diana is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in literature, psychology, and Latin American and Latino Studies. In this Q&A, she discusses how she balances academics and parenting while staying involved in research and the Student Parent Organization on campus.
UC Santa Cruz-based center leads system-wide commitment to White House food security initiative
February 29, 2024
The Center for Economic Justice and Action (CEJA) at UC Santa Cruz will lead the University of California’s participation in the White House Challenge to End Hunger and Build Healthy Communities.
Fall 2023 Newsletter
September 27, 2023
Welcome to Fall 2023!
UC Santa Cruz welcomes new faculty to campus
September 26, 2023
UC Santa Cruz welcomes 54 new faculty members to campus who bring a wide array of expertise in research and creative scholarship that will open new areas of investigation and expression and expand existing areas of work.
Barriers to Tenure and Promotion Persist for Psychology Faculty of Color
September 21, 2023
A report by the American Psychological Association outlines the barriers many faculty members of color face and calls for increased transparency in the tenure and promotion process.
An Educational Journey
August 28, 2023
UCSC’s Global Learning program helps students garner new skills, expertise, and experiences in study-abroad internships and learning opportunities.
Congratulations to our 2022 Award Recipients!
July 1, 2022
Social Sciences Division recognizes students at annual awards event
June 08, 2022
The annual Student Awards Luncheon honors undergraduates and graduate students across the Social Sciences Division for excellence in scholarship and creativity.
Learning through Observing and Pitching In
May 9, 2022
A strength of many Mexican and Indigenous-heritage communities is a learning paradigm that involves Learning by Observing and Pitching In to family and community endeavors (LOPI). In describing key features of LOPI, we hope our work's impact will include broadening participation by recognizing strengths for learning, inspiring changes in formal and informal educational settings, and serving communities in which LOPI prevails, by offering a tool for explaining these ways of learning to outside agencies. Some of the key features of LOPI include community organization in which all ages contribute to shared endeavors, with voluntary and fulfilling participation, collaborating with initiative to foster the direction of the group, using a theory of learning that emphasizes growth in contributing to the greater good, and learning through keen attention and contribution. NSF Program: Research on Education and Learning (REAL)
Do dreams mean anything? Why do I feel like I’m falling? Or wake up paralyzed? We asked experts.
December 30, 2021
Do dreams mean anything? Why do I feel like I’m falling? Or wake up paralyzed? We asked experts. Distinguished Professor Emeritus G. William Domhoff interviewed.
Under the Cortex: Toys, Tots, and Gender
November 15, 2021
Podcast: With the holidays nearly upon us, parents are thinking more seriously about Yuletide gifts for their children. From shopping malls to online retailers, marketing and product placements often fall along clearly defined lines: certain toys for boys and certain toys for girls. To tell us what this means for children and childhood development, we have Campbell Leaper with UC Santa Cruz, a developmental and social psychologist who investigates gender and sexism during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
California will require large retailers to provide gender-neutral toy sections
October 9, 2021
SACRAMENTO — California became the first state in the nation Saturday to adopt a law requiring large retail stores to provide gender-neutral toy sections under a bill signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom. Distinguished Professor Campbell Leaper interviewed.
Kyle is transgender. It took 30 years and a pandemic for them to realize it.
July 2, 2021
Story from Washington Post - Kyle is transgender. It took 30 years and a pandemic for them to realize it.
How COVID-19 Challenged Us to Rewrite Our Life Stories
June 24, 2021
How we made meaning, stayed sane, and may have become more authentic. *The pandemic forced people to turn inward, gave them time to slow down and think deeply about their identities, desires and relationships. *An uptick in Google searches related to relationship dissolution at the start of the pandemic suggests that many faced turning points. *Many used technology in positive ways, for example by using it to explore different sides of themselves and connect with others.
What prisoners in solitary confinement can teach us about social isolation
April 3, 2020
Tens of millions of Californians are sheltering in place — a passive form of social isolation that radically limits the amount of social contact they are supposed to have with others. There are a number of unanticipated, unintended, but potentially very serious consequences of this form of social distancing, no matter how absolutely necessary it is.
These L.A. parents don’t want to assign a gender to their baby, so the government did it for them
September 25, 2019
Campbell Leaper, a psychology professor at UC Santa Cruz who studies childhood gender development, said that gender stereotypes limit kids early and enduringly.
Helping and Hindering Undergraduate Women’s STEM Motivation: Experiences with STEM Encouragement, STEM-Related Gender Bias, and Sexual Harassment
May 9, 2019
Professor Campbell Leaper and Graduate Student Christy Starr discuss the #MeToo and other feminist social movements have highlighted the prevalence of sexual harassment and gender-biased treatment, as well as how damaging they can be.
In the Realm of "Ahh"
May 7, 2019
Professor Jean E. Fox Tree discusses voice and style of speech—including pesky filler words—reveal a lot about a speaker.
Open Forum: On the legacy of AIDS — trauma and shame get in the way of HIV prevention
March 28, 2019
Men & Women Tend To Approach Conversations Differently — Here's How
March 26, 2019
Supreme Court takes no action on DACA, what this means for ‘Dreamers’ in Salinas
January 22, 2019
Professor Gina Langhout was interviewed for this article on DACA.
An immigration and deportation talk translates the scientific and legal speak
January 17, 2019
The Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History is running a series called Hardcore Natural History in which they explore different themes in research presentations through three lenses: plant, animal, and human/cultural. Their latest theme is migration, which they’ve covered via eucalyptus trees and plankton; this Friday they cover the human element in a talk titled “Deportation Uncovered.”
Beyond ‘no means no’: What most parents aren’t teaching their sons about sexual consent
October 4, 2018
In the age of #MeToo, and in the wake of the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, parents across the country have been wrestling with the anxieties of raising teenage boys to understand consent. How does a parent bring clarity to an issue that is too complex even for the country’s political leaders to navigate? How can a mother or father prevent their teenage son from someday being accused of sexual assault?
Psychology undergraduate student Alexandra Piper examines the importance of diversity for student success
January 23, 2018
An undergraduate research project by UC Santa Cruz psychology student shows how advancing diversity in higher education must begin in K-12 classrooms.
Professor Emeritus Eliot Aronson ranked among 50 most influential living psychologists
January 11, 2018
UCSC Professor Emeritus of Psychology Eliot Aronson has been ranked among the 50 Most Influential Living Psychologists in the World by TheBestSchools.
A Quarter of California Adolescents May Be ‘Gender Nonconforming.’ So What Does That Mean?
December 23, 2017
Psychology Professor Phil Hammack was quoted in a KQED Radio report about a new survey that found 27 percent of California youth are gender nonconforming.
Psychology professor Cambell Leaper featured in Slate
November 6, 2017
Psychology professor Cambell Leaper discusses how sexism starts in childhood with Slate.
Psychology professor Craig Haney discussed solitary confinement with Oprah Winfrey on “60 Minutes”
October 23, 2017
Psychology professor Ben Storm featured in Angle News
October 3, 2017
Memory expert Benjamin Storm, an associate professor of psychology, was quoted in an Angle News story about millennials who rely on smartphones and tablets when they cook, saying that reliance breeds dependence, erodes memory, and diminishes skill development.
Psychology professor Ben Storm featured in the New York Times
July 3, 2017
Psychology professor Ben Storm talks to the The New York Times about how forgetfulness can lead to improved reasoning.
UCSC psychologist Campbell Leaper talks to the New York Times about raising feminist sons
June 6, 2017
The New York Times featured Leaper's work in the recent article How to Raise a Feminist Son.
UC Santa Cruz to launch first-generation faculty campaign
May 30, 2017
UC Santa Cruz will launch the First-Gen Faculty (FGF) campaign during Student Achievement week, which starts June 5. This initiative is aimed at encouraging professors on campus to identify themselves as first generation — the first in their families to graduate from a U.S. four-year college or university.
Psychology professor featured in National Science Foundation Video Showcase "STEM for All"
May 15, 2017
Newsweek features psychology professor Craig Haney
May 9, 2017
Psychology Professor Craig Haney, an expert in the psychological effects of incarceration, was featured in a Newsweek magazine article about the impacts of solitary confinement.
Research Roundup: Winter 2017 Issue
April 04, 2017
Some of the diverse topics covered by faculty in the Social Sciences Division in Winter 2017 include predicting college success, models for sustainable development, the psychological impact of President Donald Trump, his proposed military budget, and more.
The New York Times features psychology professor Craig Haney
March 30, 2017
USA Today features psychology professor Campbell Leaper
March 12, 2017
Campbell Leaper, a developmental and social psychologist, was quoted in a story about gender reveal parties that ran in USA Today and other media outlets.
Campbell Leaper interviewed for Slate
November 23, 2016
Psychology professor and Department Chair Campbell Leaper was interviewed in an article for Slate about how to talk to kids about hatred and hostility in the Trump era.
Campbell Leaper interviewed in BuzzFeed News
November 11, 2016
Psychology professor and Department Chair Campbell Leaper was quoted extensively in a BuzzFeed article about women and sexism in light of the presidential election results.
Steve Whittaker featured in the Financial Times
October 6, 2016
Psychology professor Stephen Whittaker discusses “pilers and filers” in the Financial Times article, There’s magic in mess: why you should embrace a disorderly desk.
Research Roundup: Spring 2016 Issue
July 25, 2016
From sequencing DNA from pre-Columbian mummies, examining the California strawberry farming industry, and understanding how teachers teach, faculty and researchers in the Division of Social Sciences published a wide range of issues and ideas in spring quarter.
Congratulations to the Frank X. Barron Creativity Award Winners
July 22, 2016
Psychology graduate Students Yu Zhang and Sara Goodman are the recent recipients of the Frank X. Barron Creativity Award, a scholarship that awards students who are researching areas broadly defined by one of UC Santa Cruz’s most distinguished faculty.
Facebook grapples with heartache as it jogs memories
June 7, 2016
The Star online, the web version of the Toronto Star quoted psychology professor Steve Whittaker in an article on Facebook memories.
Psychology professor featured in National Science Foundation Video Showcase "STEM for All"
May 17, 2016
From May 17 - 23, the public is invited to view, discuss, and vote for their favorite video presentation
Research Roundup: Winter 2016 Issue
March 24, 2016
From biodiversity in California to power relations in Tanzania, faculty and researchers in the Division of Social Sciences published a wide range of issues and ideas in winter quarter.
UC Berkeley provost Claude M. Steele speaks about stereotypes, identity, and academic performace
March 17, 2016
Claude M. Steele, a renowned social psychologist and UC Berkeley’s executive vice chancellor and campus provost, spoke about his research to UCSC students, staff, and faculty.
Undergraduates are learning through community building
March 8, 2016
Thanks to the Psychology Department's Field Study Program, students are making a difference in the local community while getting an education at the same time.
Going the distance: contact vs. motivation
February 12, 2016
The Jerusalem Post published an op-ed by Andrew Pilecki, a UCSC Ph.D. in psychology, and Phillip Hammack, associate professor of psychology
Cognitive science students win Hack UCSC with virtual reality study app
February 9, 2016
Undergraduate research assistants from psychology professor Nick Davidenko’s High Level Perception Lab scoop the coveted prize in the innovation category.
Q & A with Professor Su-hua Wang
January 15, 2016
We sat down with Wang for a Q&A to learn more about her work and about the unique research internship program she offers to psychology majors.
More than a decade after release, they all come back
November 5, 2015
Distinguished psychology professor Craig Haney was quoted in a USA Today articled that followed nine Texas inmates who were released from prison in 2002.
Meet the Psychology Department's newest faculty
November 4, 2015
The Psychology Department now consists of 26 faculty thanks to its three newest hires: Christy Byrd, Audun Dahl and Rebecca Covarrubias.
Unique study compares health of LGB age groups
October 28, 2015
The Bay Area Reporter interviews Associate Professor Phil Hammack about his research on the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people.
October 13, 2015
October 13, 2015
October 13, 2015
How can we improve dialogue about race relations?
October 12, 2015
PBS News Hour interview with Dr. Linda Tropp, former graduate student in Psychology.
Navigating through digital folders uses the same brain structures as real world navigation
October 1, 2015
Efficient storage and retrieval of digital data is the focus of much commercial and academic attention. With personal computers, there are two main ways to retrieve files: hierarchical navigation and query-based search...
Solitary Confinement: Punished for Life
August 4, 2015
Craig Haney, distinguished professor of psychology, and his research on the long-term psychological effects of solitary confinement, are the focus of a New York Times article on the recent attention being paid to the issue.
The Magic of Tidying Up—Digitally
July 19, 2015
A Wall Street Journal columnist turned to psychology’s Steve Whitaker, professor of human computer interaction, for his expertise in the science of storage and retrieval of digital data.
It Starts At Home: Letting Children Collaborate
June 4, 2015
Dr. Rogoff discusses her work researching the collaborative nature of children in Mexico and the United States at a TEDxSantaCruz talk.
April 10, 2015
Learning from Anita Hill: a panel discussion with Professors Zurbriggen (Psychology) and Falcón (LALS)
February 25, 2015
On Thursday, February 26 law professor Anita Hill, who accused Supreme Court justice nominee Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment in 1991, visited UC Santa Cruz.
Professor Haney Honored for Prison Research
October 17, 2014
Professor Craig Haney, known for his research on prison conditions, will be honored at the Founders Day dinner on October 25th.
A beneficial partnership - Professor Callanan highlighted in APA Monitor
October 17, 2014
Psychologists around the country are bringing behavioral science to the public by conducting research on the exhibit floor at science centers and museums.
Alumna Kris Perry shares how she overturned Prop 8, the same-sex marriage ban
October 14, 2014
At a recent event on campus, Perry talks about her leadership in the gay rights movement
Psychology Department receives APA Culture of Service Award
January 17, 2013
BSA recognized the psychology department at the University of California, Santa Cruz, for an impressive record of service to the discipline.
Sociological association awards Tom Pettigrew distinguished career award
May 20, 2011
Thomas F. Pettigrew, research professor of psychology at UC Santa Cruz, has been named winner of the William Foote Whyte Distinguished Career Award of the Sociological Practice and Public Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association.
Psychology professor awarded prestigious Spencer fellowship
May 18, 2011
Phillip L. Hammack, assistant professor of psychology at UC Santa Cruz, has been named a 2011-2012 National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow.
New book questions effectiveness of peace-building workshops
May 18, 2011
In his new book, UCSC psychology professor Phillip L. Hammack questions the effectiveness of peace-building workshops involving Israeli and Palestinian teenagers in the United States.
Analysis shows personal contact reduces tension and prejudice
April 28, 2011
In a new book, "When Groups Meet: the Dynamics of Intergroup Contact," Thomas F. Pettigrew, an international expert on racism, and Linda R. Tropp, associate professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, analyze research that shows how bringing groups together can mitigate prejudice.
Psychology professor links cultural identities, educational success
April 21, 2011
In her new book, UC Santa Cruz psychology professor Catherine R. Cooper examines how culturally diverse youth can develop pathways to college without losing ties to their families, peers, and cultural communities.