
Hyesung Grace Hwang
  • Pronouns she, her, her, hers, herself
  • Title
    • Assistant Professor
  • Division Social Sciences Division
  • Department
    • Psychology Department
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Website
  • Office Location
    • Social Sciences 2, 375
    • Lab: Social Sciences 2, Room 229
  • Office Hours (Fall 2024) Wed., 11am -12pm Soc Sci 2 rm 375 Zoom Frid 11am-12pm (contact instructor for sign up info.)
  • Mail Stop Psychology Faculty Services

Research Interests

How racial and linguistic diversity in neighborhood, community, and cultural contexts shape social group conception in racial majority and minority children; how a person’s accent is an important social marker in addition to race; and how children learn about societal inequalities and how to foster political activism.

Biography, Education and Training

Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis

M.S.W., Columbia University

B.A., University of Chicago

Selected Publications

  • Hwang, H.G., Debnath, R., Meyer, M., Salo, V. C., Fox, N.A. & Woodward, A. (2021). Neighborhood racial demographics predict infants’ neural responses to people of different races. Developmental Science, 24(4), e13070.
  • Hwang, H. G. & Markson, L (2018). Locals don’t have accents: Children weigh phonological proficiency over syntactic or semantic proficiency when categorizing individuals. Journal of Child Language, 45(4), 1018 – 1034.
  • DeJesus, J., Hwang, H. G., Dautel, J. B., & Kinzler, K. D. (2017). ‘American = English-speaker’ before ‘American = White.’ The development of children’s reasoning about nationality. Child Development, 89(5), 1752 – 1767.