Faculty Emeriti
Elliot Aronson
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Psychology Department
- Phone 831-459-5084
- Website
- Office Location
- Social Sciences 2
- Office Hours By appointment
Martin M Chemers
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Psychology Department
- Chancellor's Office/EVC
- Phone 831-459-5084
- Office Location
- Social Sciences 2, Room 211
- Office Hours for inquiries, please email my colleague Barbara Goza at bkgoza@ucsc.edu
Catherine R Cooper
- Title
- Emerita Professor of Psychology
- Director, Bridging Multiple Worlds Alliance
- Faculty Director, UCSC Educational Partnership Center
- Department
- Psychology Department
- Phone 831-459-5084 (messages)
- Website
Faye J Crosby
- Title
- Professor
- Department
- Psychology Department
- Phone 831-297-7223
- Office Location
- Social Sciences 2, 358
George W Domhoff
- Title
- Distinguished Professor Emeritus
- Research Professor
- Department
- Sociology Department
- Psychology Department
- Phone 831-429-1446
- Website
- Office Location
- Remote work location, 255
- Office Hours Thursdays 6-7pm; and by appointment
Per F Gjerde
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Psychology Department
- Phone 831-459-5084, 831-459-3148
- Office Location
- Social Sciences 2, Room 345
David M Harrington
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Psychology Department
- Phone 831-566-6459, 831-459-4622
- Office Location
- Social Sciences 2, Room 372
Alan H Kawamoto
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Psychology Department
- Phone 831-459-5698, 831-459-4299, 831-459-5084
- Website
- Office Location
- Social Sciences 2, Room 373
- Office Hours (Spring 2024) Friday 9:15-10:15 am in rm 373 ZOOM - https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/99317794410?pwd=KzNJb1VXSkdlcDlyUlBPOW5CUDhKZz09
Dominic W Massaro
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Psychology Department
- Phone 831-459-5084
- Website
- Office Location
- Social Sciences 2, Room 429H
- Office Hours By appointment
Melanie J Mayer
- Title
- Professor Emerita
- Department
- Psychology Department
- Phone 831-459-5084, 831-423-9531
- Office Location
- Social Sciences 2, 277
Barry S Mclaughlin
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Psychology Department
- Phone 831-459-5084
- Website
- Office Location
- Social Sciences 2, N/A
Thomas F Pettigrew
- Title
- Professor Emeritus
- Department
- Psychology Department
- Phone 831-459-5084, 831-459-2560
- Office Location
- Social Sciences 2, Room 354
Anthony R Pratkanis
- Title
- Emeritus Professor
- Department
- Psychology Department
- Phone 831-459-5084 (messages)
- Office Location
- Remote work location, remote work location
Avril Thorne
- Title
- Professor Emerita
- Department
- Psychology Department
- Phone 831-459-5084 (messages)
- Website
- Office Location
- Social Sciences 2, room 277
Margaret L Wilson
- Title
- Professor Emerita
- Department
- Psychology Department
- Phone 831-459-5767
- Website
- Office Location
- Social Sciences 2, Room 412
- Office Hours By appointment (Winter 2018)